SA3 Possum Trap

How to Install the SA3 Possum Trap
Find a suitable tree or post to fix the trap to.
Keep away from areas likely to have domestic cats.
Be aware of non-target species e.g., stock, dogs, pigs, native birds, etc. Keep away from children.
Fix trap approximately 750mm up from ground (where kiwis are present) and on a slight downward angle to aid water run out. Screw the trap into position using the 14mm hole in the side to put the 5/16 longer nut driver through as per photo. These 5/16 nut driver extensions are readily available from larger hardware stores.

How to set the SA3 Possum Trap
Standing in front or to one side have the front piece of the trigger arm facing down. With the palm of your hand, fingers pointing to the rear of the trap (see photo) push down the handle, a reasonable amount of force is needed.

Whilst holding down the handle, with the left hand rotate the trigger arm backwards and clockwise into the second part of the trigger where the round washer is.

The trap should fit nicely together in the set position.
You can then remove your hand slowly from the handle. Please be aware of moving parts inside the trap, hence why fingers are not to be put anywhere near the inside of trap. Trigger arm now inside round washer
How to bait the SA3 Possum Trap
Note the trap is now in the set position.
We use a 50/50 flour sugar spice eg (allspice, cinnamon) from kitchen pantry mixed together in an old milk bottle. Shake the mixture into the back of the trap and down the tree/post and onto the ground below to encourage the possum to the trap. Do not insert your hands or fingers in the trap whilst baiting!!
ALWAYS RELEASE the trap by slowly holding down the handle with flat part of your palm, fingers pointing towards rear of the trap and disengaging the trigger arm out of the washer trigger piece, the handle with TENSION on it will come back to the upright position.
Please note this trap is more for commercial harvest of larger numbers of possums, rather than nuisance possums in peoples gardens