SA2 Feral Cat Trap

How to Install the SA2 Feral Cat Trap
Find a suitable position to fix the trap down to. Keep trap away from areas likely to have domestic cats. Be aware of non target animals eg stock, dogs, native birds (Kea, Weka, Penguin etc) Keep away from children. Fix trap approx, 750mm up from the ground (where kiwi are present) and on an angle up to 45 degrees. Natural sets such as tree logs stumps etc are fine. A ramp up to the fixed trap will help greatly. Screw trap into position, an 8mm socket on the end of a battery drill works well.

How to Bait the SA2 Feral Cat Trap
Before baiting, MAKE SURE THE TRAP IS NOT SET! A small piece of rabbit or possum is placed on the screw at the back of the trap (optional) A generous amount of peanut butter is smeared on the wooden base inside the trap.

Setting the SA2 Feral Cat Trap
Standing in front of the secured trap have the front piece of the trigger pointing at you. IMPORTANT, ensure correct hand orientation with a flat palm with fingers pointing to the rear of the trap (as shown in photo) pull and push down the handle. A reasonable amount of force is required.

While holding down the handle rotate the front trigger bit into the second half of the trigger with the washer. The trap should nicely fit together in the set position. Please be aware of the moving parts inside of the trap, hence why fingers not to be put anywhere near the inside of trap. The final act of baiting the trap is to throw in a generous handful of cat biscuits. Additional bait can be laid outside the trap to help encourage the cat to the trap.

Additional baits can be used such as commercially made catfood, eg jellymeat. This is applied in a generous amount by smearing from front to back of trap BEFORE setting the trap. Minced Rabbit and Possum can also be used.
This trap is also an effective possum trap. Set up is the same as the cat trap. Bait with a flour sugar spice mixture.
ALWAYS RELEASE the trap (before baiting) by slowly holding down handle with the flat of your palm, fingers pointing towards rear of trap and disengaging the trigger arm out the washer trigger piece, the handle will with TENSION on it come back to the upright position.